5 Steps to Make Sure You Get Paid for Your Work

5 Steps to Make Sure You Get Paid for Your Work

There is almost nothing more stressful than providing a service for another person or business and then not getting paid for your work. After using your time and resources to complete the task, having the other party not honour your agreement is emotionally and financially difficult.

Not receiving remittance that is owed can have dire consequences on your own personal and financial obligations. Sometimes court action, collection agencies or other legal services are required to get the monies owed to you.

Legal action, or the use of an external source to get paid is not a route many businesses want to take, but unfortunately, sometimes it is inevitable. If you have tried repeatedly to get the monies owed to you without luck, external or legal proceeding might be the only option left to you.

Unfortunately, this will undoubtedly cause more stress and hardship than you were anticipating when you started the job. Should the battle for payment be handed over to external professionals, you want to make sure is goes as smooth as possible by having everything ready to prove your entitlement beforehand.

To make sure your rights are fully protected, make sure you have all your documents in place before you even begin the work. Papers you will need include:

1. A Legal Contract

It is vital that you have a legal contract signed and dated by you and the person or place hiring you. The legal form should clearly outline the full name and contact information of all parties involved, the exact work that is to be done, and the agreed financial agreement regarding purchases, rentals, payments, and timelines of services, dates and signatures of everyone involved. Seeing a lawyer or professional agency beforehand to review your contract will help make sure all the needed data is included in the document, so all parties are protected.

2. Receipts, Purchase Orders, Invoices

If you have had to purchase or rent equipment and resources specific for the assignment, make sure you have the paper trail to prove it. Receipts, purchase orders, and invoices are legal documents that verify the expense.

However, when accruing these forms, it is important to make sure only the task related expenses are on each roster. Having multiple expenses for different jobs or personal expenses on one receipt is frowned upon and  will make it more difficult to prove who the purchase was for.

3. Proof of Work Done

When asking for remittance, it is essential that you are able to prove that you did the work exactly as outlined in the legal agreement. Pictures, copies of the tasks, signed forms of completion, and other evidence will be required to show what was performed according to the contract.

4. Keep Records of all Conversations

Today, the use of technology helps keep track of conversations between parties when it comes to getting the money. Texts, emails, voicemail recordings, faxed forms, and hard copy bills can verify your attempts to retrieve the money owed and efforts you have made to get paid.  If someone is refusing to reimburse you, keep all records of your dealings with the other party from start to end.

5. Hire an Outside Agency

When all else fails, sometimes it is necessary to hire an external agency to retrieve the income you are owed. If you cannot collect the money on your own, visit a professional commercial litigation lawyer to find out what options are available to you.

There is nothing more frustrating and insulting than doing a job and not getting paid for it. If you have been contracted by another party to perform an assignment, make sure you know all your legal rights and obligations, so the funds are transferred properly.

Jon Ardor
