5 Techniques to Protect Your Dental Implants
After choosing to invest in dental implants, it’s important to learn how to protect your investment. Dental implants can help restore your self-confidence and replace damaged or missing teeth. It’s important to take care of them the right way, so you don’t have to deal with the complication of implant failure. Check out these five tips to make caring for your dental implants an easier task.
1. Make Sure You’re Flossing
Flossing is one of the most recommended and underrated ways of keeping your mouth healthy. Flossing is especially important if you’re trying to keep your dental implants healthy. Look for unwaxed tape or ask your dentist to recommend an implant-specific floss. You want to protect the tissue around your implant while flossing.
After you insert the floss around both sides of your implant, use a crisscross motion to clear out the area. Be careful not to go too hard as dental implants are susceptible to inflammation. Flossing is a great way to keep your dental implant healthy and in good condition.
2. Use An Oral Irrigator
Oral irrigators are another tool you can use to help preserve your dental implants. Oral irrigators help to reduce plaque and biofilm in hard to reach areas around your implants. Using an oral irrigator once or twice a day will have a significant impact on the health of your implants.
Similar to flossing, make sure you don’t go too hard to avoid inflammation. Using soft rubber tips is an effective way to get a good clean while reducing bleeding. Water irrigation in combination with an antimicrobial rinse is extremely helpful for reducing plaque and preventing inflammation. Consider adding this to your routine.
3. Use Rubber Tip Stimulator To Get Into The Creases
Keeping the tissue around your implants healthy is key to protecting your dental implants. Rubber tipped stimulators are a tool you can use to massage and stimulate the tissue around your implants. Applying the right amount of pressure causes the tissue in your mouth to change to a lighter color which lets you know you’re doing it properly.
Gum stimulators are excellent for strengthening the tissue around your dental implants. This helps protect against infection and plaque buildup which can lead to serious problems. Regularly using a gum stimulator will also reduce bleeding during irrigation and flossing. Keeping your gums healthy is an overlooked part of maintaining dental implants.
4. Invest In A Special Brush For Dental Implants
In addition to your regular toothbrush, it’s worth getting one designed for dental implants. You can get toothbrushes specially designed to clean hard to reach areas. You may not be getting a deep enough clean with just a regular brush. The angle of the neck makes it easy for you to get an efficient clean.
Toothbrushes designed for dental implants also have soft filaments which ensure gentle cleaning. If you’ve just had surgery, it’s a good idea to use a super soft brush to minimize damage. Getting a special dental implant brush is a great way to make your oral care routine easier.
5. Use Accessories To Make Brushing More Effective
Another part of taking care of your dental implants is paying attention to the type of toothpaste you’re using. Look for a low-abrasive toothpaste that controls tartar but won’t damage your implants. You should also keep some quality mouthwash on hand as it’s an important part of your oral care routine.
Disclosing tablets are also another useful tool. These tablets stain areas on your teeth that need extra attention. This makes it easier for you to attack the problem areas in your mouth. Using all these tips in combination makes taking care of your dental implants an easier task.