8 Different Slip and Fall Injuries Symptoms

8 Different Slip and Fall Injuries Symptoms

Nothing can be as disastrous as physical damage when life throws a wrench in your plans. There are so many circumstances leading to you potentially damaging your body. It can range as well, such as having a minor scrape on your arm. Or, it can be much more harmful through an accidental fall.

Slips and falls, no matter where they occur, can result in some form of injury. You will be dealing with these for minutes or weeks, depending on how hard the impact was. The symptoms you experience will also vary, but they can be remedied in time. Let’s describe what injury symptoms you will incur through a slip or fall.

Here are eight different slip and fall injuries symptoms:

Symptom #1: Pain

Of course, pain is the most obvious symptom of any injury with a physical impact. Pain can range in terms of its severity. Sometimes, it is about as painful as a hard bump, which lasts for a few seconds. The pain can be serious at other times when the slip or fall is much more damaging.

In some cases, this pain can lead to a whole host of other debilitating issues. It is important to always be aware of your surroundings and use a degree of caution. If slipping is not preventable, then you can at least mitigate the amount of pain you experience. It is a feeling no one likes to experience, after all!

Symptom #2: Chronic Pain

Unfortunately, slips and falls are far too common throughout society. When one does happen to you, the pain you feel could worsen into something much more debilitating. Your internal organs or bones may face the brunt of this. After that, chronic pain may then develop. Chronic pain can be a serious problem. In addition to visiting a medical professional, you may want to contact a slip and fall lawyer for assistance. The lawyer may help you assess whether your situation is eligible for a lawsuit.

Always use some caution when a slip happens. That way, you can stop chronic pain from occurring!

Symptom #3: Loss of Balance

Slipping and falling on any surface can bring about some severe consequences. Once the worst is over, you will be able to come to your senses. However, depending on how bad the fall was, you could experience disorientation. A loss of balance is quite common in any physical impact such as this.

Thankfully, losing your balance after an accidental fall is not something to be too concerned with. Unless it was very severe, to the point of knocking you out, you would regain your bearings soon after. Then, make sure you balance yourself once you are standing again. Seek out medical attention if it is needed.

Symptom #4: Dizziness

If the previous point has not yet been resolved, then other injury symptoms may begin to take fold. For example, you may feel a bit dizzy when you are trying to regain your senses. Dizziness may often be the result of not knowing what just happened just a few short minutes ago.

However, dizziness can be resolved with a bit of rest and recovery. Do not engage in high-octane activity immediately after the slip or fall. This will exacerbate your dizziness to the point of losing balance again. Take it one step at a time, and you will be good to go.

Symptom #5: Headaches

One of the most persistent symptoms of a slipping or falling injury is headaches. If you feel hard enough, you will undoubtedly have to experience the pitfalls of a headache. A throbbing headache can be a pain to deal with since it can take hours to be resolved. Take a right prescriptive medication when needed so you will be back on track soon after.

Symptom #6: Loss Of Hearing

An extremely hard slip or fall can result in your other senses being turned off momentarily too. Sometimes, you may feel as if you cannot hear anything correctly. That is because your sense of hearing has taken a big hit. All you need to do when this happens is take it easy for a few minutes. Wait a bit, and you should be back to your bearings soon enough.

Symptom #7: Fatigue

Injuries that are severe enough from your slips and falls can extend into the late hours of the night. If you find yourself restless, it could be because the fall was physically disorienting. Fatigue is one of the most uncommon symptoms, but it can manifest in the spur of the moment.

Symptom #8: Confusion

As soon as you hit the ground, you will be confused about what just happened if it was hard enough. As a result, confusion may be a symptom you experience, though it is not something too troublesome. Make sure you do not engage in any active activity, rest, and you will be back to normal.

Jon Ardor
