How to Get a Picky Dog to Eat
At one point or another, many dog owners have confronted this issue: how to get a picky dog to eat. Some dogs are just picky eaters. They can be fussy. This could also be entirely your fault! Many people are guilty of giving their dog table scraps. As a result, your dog may end up becoming a picky eater.
One important fact to consider here is ensuring that there is nothing wrong with your dog. There could be a deeper and serious reason why your dog has become picky and not eating its food. There are serious health-related problems that could cause a loss of appetite. Also, there could be a problem in the mouth or more serious issues such as kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, hypercalcemia and more.
If your dog does not eat for a whole day and the next, take him or her to the vet. Rule out serious conditions. While this may sound strange, even a dog that has dementia can go off its appetite. Some dogs may still take their treats but not eat. There could still be a serious issue. Always go to your vet to check it out.
Let’s take a look at how to get a picky dog to eat:
1. Chicken Broth
Try adding chicken broth to your dog’s food. This will make the food taste better, giving it more flavour. Make sure that it is low in sodium (very important). You don’t want to solve one problem by creating another. Dogs love chicken and chicken broth. Let them get used to it and start eating again.
2. Starvation Method
Put the bowl down and see if your dog eats. If it does not, remove the bowl after half an hour. Try doing this at their next mealtime. At some point, assuming nothing is wrong, your dog should eventually eat because it is hungry. If this does not help, then take it to the vet.
3. Mix Foods
If you offer your dog something new, they may not be keen to eat. If this is the case, mix it with food your dog used to eat and enjoy. This is a good way to transition to the new food. Do it slowly. Make the transition happen over a week. Every day, add a little more of the new food and less of the old food for seven days.
4. Raw Foods
Speak to your vet regarding offering a raw diet. Some pets enjoy raw dog food, which comes with many health benefits. Make sure the food is from a trusted and reputable source. You can also add green beef tripe as a topper to get your dog to eat. For some reason, green beef tripe seems to make the pickiest dogs eat this stuff, and it’s good for them too.
Remember, it is just a topper. It should not be the whole meal. Mix it in with the regular food and see how that goes.
5. Exercise
If you can, exercise your dog first. Take it out for a walk or play for a while. Some dogs get hungry when they come back from a walk or play for a while. Remember, though; all play stops after the meal! After a dog eats, vigorous play can be dangerous.
6. Cut Back Treats & Scraps
Your dog may be relying on scraps and treats for its hunger. When mealtime comes, they don’t want to eat. Scraps are not a good idea anyway, since it is human food and the calories and other ingredient amounts will differ. Try cutting back and see if this works.
7. Warm the Dog Food
Try warming the food. Pop it in the microwave oven for a few seconds. It should be warm and not hot, so be careful. Warming the food can make it more flavourful and tempting, especially if they smell the aroma.
8. Pretend to Eat the Dog’s Food
Have you noticed how when you get something to nibble on, whether its fruits, nuts, potato chips (or whatever), your dog immediately sniffs about? They want to know what it is and what’s in it for them. They are curious. So, try pretending to eat from their bowl. That may entice them into coming and finishing the job off.
Even stress can cause a dog to lose its appetite or change its environment. For example, if you recently moved, the unfamiliar surroundings may be contributing to your dog not eating. The most important thing to remember is that head to the vet if this carries on for more than a couple of days.
A dog can still eat treats and not eat its food. This does not necessarily mean it is a picky eater. There could be something else more serious. If you know that everything is well, then your dog may be just one of those picky eaters. You can try the above tips on how to get a picky dog to eat.